As Seen In: Food & Wine
It's that exciting time of year when each magazine arriving in my mailbox is more colorful and flavorful than the last, all foretelling the vibrant summer ahead. Fresh summer produce and seasonal grilling recipes begin popping up on the pages of my favorite food publications, inspiring countless dinners on my southern screen porch beneath the glowing white string lights and flickering fireflies.
When the June 2014 issue of Food & Wine arrived last week I was instantly reminded that despite this unseasonably cool spring, summer is indeed just around the corner. I flipped through the pages quickly (and backwards, as is my odd practice) mentally bookmarking some of my Summer Meal Musts. I was of course noticing the tableware and props too, making similar mental notes to look back through later with slower, more deliberate interest and attention. One of the recipes that caught my eye was a beautiful scallop topped with cilantro and served with slice of avocado. These are flavors that directly speak to me of summer, and I knew I'd need to check back on this recipe later. I also noticed the pretty dish upon which the food was plated, specifically the way the watercolor-like cobalt glaze pooled in the subtle textured marks on the porcelain. I knew I'd need to check back on that dish later too-- who made it?
Now maybe you can tell where this is going, and I should have too. But I was in the middle of finishing up my final exams last week and my brain was on overload. I simply looked at the recipe and thought: YUM. And looked at the plate and thought: PRETTY. It wasn't until a few days later that I received a thoughtful note from one of my favorite editors (hi Suzie!) from Food & Wine that it was brought to my attention that the "pretty" plate was one of myplates.
It's a little embarrassing to be totally honest. But mostly just really funny to me that I was absentmindedly admiring the work of my own two hands. Who made that pretty little dish? I'll tell you who-- I did. Duh. I feel like on some level there's a compliment in there. It's sort of like picking your own recipe in a blind taste test, right?
Well if you're looking for summer recipe ideas, especially for starting your grilling season off on a tasty note, be sure to pick up a copy of the June Food & Wine issue. It's packed full of awesome recipes.. and apparently awesome plates too.