As Seen On: The Cover of Food & Wine

I've been waiting to share this news for a while, and now that issues are on newsstands everywhere I finally can: One of my Ink Blot Bowls in Teal is featured on the cover of Food & Wine's September 2014 issue! The cover. It's positively surreal. I know it will be there each time I look yet it still hits me with a hint of unexpected surprise to see a bowl I made with my own two hands in my own (very tiny) studio staring back at me from every major newsstands. It's a completely humbling experience to say the least.

When I started Suite One Studio I had only the vaguest idea of what I wanted my business to become. It was a gut feeling more than anything planned, sequential, or formulated. Over the past few years I've worked to become more intentional about my business, which has been a very positive practice, but I'm still largely controlled by that seemingly shapeless gut feeling that guided me from the beginning, and I don't know what I ever want that lead to change. That feeling is what directed me to a gradual focus on tableware, which has now become my entire mission. I adore tableware. Give me a really good bowl, and I will swoon, completely, over its perfect marriage of form and function.

Making tableware that I would (and do) use in my own home has helped me refine my product line, and with some continued experimenting and editing Suite One Studio will grow into an even more cohesive collection over the coming years. And you all are a big part of that. Each purchase, each word of feedback and support is shaping this incredible, moldable thing into something extraordinary, so thank you!

Seeing my work appear on a blog or in a printed magazine is such a wonderfully reassuring nudge forward. It's visual encouragement that I'm making relevant, meaningful, useful, and beautiful objects that others enjoy. Having one of my bowls appear on the cover of a magazine, well that's less of a nudge and more of a shove-- in a really really magnificent way. Like when you're standing on the edge of something debating whether or not to jump.. and then the wind hits just right and you do it... and it feels more like flying than falling. Yup, it's like that.

A huge thank you to Food & Wine, and most of all Suzie Myers for making this amazing moment happen! Be sure to pick up a copy of the September issue while it's on newsstands everywhere! Shop watercolor bowls here.


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