Glaze Group: a free pottery community project

Introducing Glaze Group! A free community building project for potters that will enhance our individual studios. Each month we’ll make a new glaze formula and share our results and experiences. The monthly structure will create a low pressure opportunity to try new things in our work while leaning on built in accountability. 

I've been making ceramics since 2005 and formulated my first glazes at that same time in an impressive university funded ceramic chemistry lab. It was state of the art and the opposite in nearly every way to the glaze making setups I've had in my own studio spaces. Whether you have that state of the art setup… or something… more modest (no judgment I've glazed pots on the kitchen floor before) this project is for you.

Glaze making is for everyone. All you need is curiosity and a few basic tools. There's a Resource Guide for you to download after joining our email list (button at the bottom of this page) that'll cover all the basic tools and suggested resources.

I created this project for a simple reason: I wanted to make at least one new glaze a month for 2023 and thought maybe other potters would enjoy that structure and built-in accountability. Here we are!

Here's the basic structure:

  1. At the start of the month you'll receive an email with a link to a publicly available formula for an oxidation glaze in the cone 6-8 range.

  2. We'll then gather our supplies and make our tests independently.

  3. At the end of the month I'll share my results and notes about the glaze. This will either be an email or maybe a video-- Transparency: I'm still deciding on that part because life with a newborn is a little upside down at times and I'm not quite ready to commit to the format for an entire year, so stick with me as this evolves. It'll be fun and informative either way!

To participate in Glaze Group join the special email list below (this is for Glaze Group specifically and not the same list for receiving shop updates.) You’ll then receive an email with the monthly formula and an invitation to our private Facebook Group.

I can’t wait to see the glaze results this group will create! I’m looking forward to sharing this project each month here on the blog along the way!

xoxo Lindsay


Glaze Group: February Results


First Shop Update of 2023