DIY Faux Porcelain Fimo Clay Napkin Rings

This is my favorite DIY to date, probably because it so closely resembles porcelain. That's right, that napkin ring is not actually porcelain. This is a simple Fimo Clay project that you can bake right in your home oven. It's easy enough to do with kids, and the pure white reads as sophisticated regardless of skill level. So even if you're a clumsy crafter, no one will notice. Ready for even more good news? You probably already have most of these supplies at home, and the clay is only $15 through amazon, shipped right to your door.

What You'll Need:

FIMO® Classic Clay 12.34 oz. Bar - White

Cardboard Paper Towel Roll

Texturizing Tools (I used cut glassware)

Baking Sheet



Break off small pieces of fimo clay and knead firm clay on a clean surface until soft. Once the clay is soft use a rolling pin to roll the clay into flat slabs.

Next use your chosen texturizing tool to add texture to one side of the flat slab.

Roll the slab loosely around the paper towel roll. Don't press hard to the roll, we're just using the roll as a shaping form. You will be removing it in just a moment. Gently push the two ends of the slab together, smoothly the seam as desired.

Slide the clay cylinders off the cardboard roll and place them on a baking sheet, standing the cylinders vertically on one end, not on their textured sides.

Bake as directed by your clay's packaging. 

Remove from oven and allow to cool before handling.



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