End of summer favorites: Berry Bowls, mini bowls, and bud vases

As summer is winding down I'm soaking up everything this season has to offer: the bright sunlight, fresh flowers, tasty produce, and the rainbow palette of it all.

To celebrate the end of the season let us dive into the season once more. Let's eat, drink, and otherwise fill our senses with summer. Sure I'm just as eager as the next person for #PSL season, but let's linger a little longer here with nature, together.

This end of summer collection captures little reminders of this special time of year: from colanders to rinse and serve your tomatoes and fresh berries to sophisticated pearlescent pink bud vases to hold those final blossoms from your garden.

We're also restocking our popular mini bowls that are perfect for holding jewelry, serving pinches of salt and pepper, or even keeping paperclips beautifully on display on your desk as we head into this back to school season. (For their versatility, small footprint, and big style impact I love these as a college care package gift!)

Thank you for your continued support, season after season, year after year!


In the shop: Navy Pour Bowls + Magnolia Leaf Serving Slabs
